One thing I've come to realize over the years is that some (many? a majority?) of adults are, in some respects, still children mentally. Perhaps we all are, to a greater or lesser extent? It's a phenomenon easy to overlook, because people do all the grown-up things; go to work, drive a car, have children of their own ... but are still capable of great childishness or immaturity.

My point is this: Much of what passes for contemporary, progressive policies and moral pieties are incredibly simplistic and foolish. It is childish thinking. Equity = "Mummy! Mummy! Peter got four biscuits and I got only three! It's not fair!" Not only childish thinking, but the urges of a narcissistic, egotistical, vicious little brat! "If you disagree with me you are evil and I will have you punished."

I see childish people everywhere. It's enervating.

Still ... have a nice weekend!

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